Thursday, September 20, 2007

Olha os maus!

"During World War II, the Japanese procured numerous jugun ianfu ("comfort women"), females imported from Korea, the Philippines, Burma, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Netherlands to cool the jets of the rank and file. Not that the women had much choice in the matter. More than 200,000 girls and women were forcibly inducted in the program, half of them dying as a direct result of the treatment they endured. Many were detained in the program 3 to 5 years, and were raped 5-20 times a day. At an average of 10 rapes a day, 5 days every week, each girl was violated at least 7,500 times during their 3 years of service."

Pois, depois dos manos (muçul_), boas-vindas aos japoneses ao clube dos maus.
Parece a conversa do George Steiner, ao coleccionar autores de barbáries, posso acabar com toda a raça humana no saco. Todos: os vivos, os que estão a morrer agora mesmo, os decompostos, todos os antepassados até para lá do macaco, até ao ser unicelucar original, até o deus, se é que está fora desta linhagem. Parece-me, do alto das onze horas desta manhã, que é a mais sensacional e justiceira ideia que tive desde o alto das dez horas desta manhã.


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